December, the best month out of the whole year. What is better than my birthday, Christmas & New Years all in the same month?! This month was all about giving back for me. I figured the past few months have been all about me and I wanted to give back to those who were struggling around the holidays. On December 1st I decided I was going to have my own toy drive; Project Blessed. No sponsors. No big names or popular radio stations behind me. Just me and my own advertisement to get the word out. I used Twitter, Facebook, a Christian Radio AM station that my step dad uses to advertise our jewelry store on, bulletin board at a Sam's Club that a friend of mine helped me with (shouts to @tuckfwitter), a bulletin board at an Olive garden that another friend of mine helped me with (shouts to Dana) and then just word of mouth. I'm sure the people who follow me on Twitter and my friends on Facebook were so tired of hearing me talk about my toy drive and how I needed people to donate. In the end, the toy drive completely surpassed my expectations. I really thought only a few people would donate and I would have been happy with that. Along with the toy donations I decided I wanted people to nominate families or their own family if they needed assistance. At the beginning I had said that I would try to help as many families as I could as long as I had enough toys but that just nominating a family did not guarantee that the family would receive toys. I originally was going to pick as many families as I could depending on the amount of toys I had based on their level of neediness. I also was advertising that I would pick ONE family to give a Christmas dinner to based on need. I just want to thank anyone and everyone who was involved with making my vision a total success. I wish I could list all of you, but there was so many of you that I would be here for hours. Thank you from the bottom of my heart you have no idea what you actually did for some of these families. Every family that was nominated walked away with not just one or two toys, but boxes of toys.
These were the boxes I made to put at the two drop off locations. When I was making them I was concerned that they were going to be too big. Little did I know 2 weeks into collecting donations they would be over flowing with amazing gifts.I can honestly say that I was blown away by the people on twitter wanting to help out. I had a guy from London who has never met me in my life send me money via paypal towards my toy drive (shouts to TC @thisisTC). I had a guy from New York send me money via paypal. Again never met me in my life (shouts to Manny @FidelNegro). I had a woman from Atlanta send me money via paypal. Once again never met me in my life (shouts to Mickey @mickfcknlovin). I even had a woman from Virginia go out and shop at the COACH store specifically for two girls in a family that were nominated. You guessed it, she has never met my in my life. (shouts to Amber @Paunchy). The response from Twitter for me from people that are complete strangers to me was by far the most overwhelming and unexpected part of this. Thank you for putting your trust in me without knowing me personally! What a blessing you all were to some of these families.
This family is the family that was actually nominated by someone on Twitter who follows me who doesn't live in Florida. She use to live here but now lives in New York. I exchanged a few emails back and forth with this woman who was nominating them and the initial letter that she wrote me about this family left me in tears. I knew once I read it that this was the family that I would be giving the Christmas dinner to. This was also the two girls who received the COACH items donated by the woman from Virginia (@Paunchy). These girls faces lit up when I handed them their gifts. I heard from the family a few days after Christmas with warm thanks you's. I knew I picked the right family as soon as I met them. These next few pictures are of what was donated from everyone. You can see that a lot of the item are pricey for donations which made this toy drive even more successful than I was expecting.
This family, you can kind of say I know personally. Her brother was the one who reached out to me on his own for his little boy. I was able to send them out with a few boxes of toys for his four year old son as well. I also sent him home with a basketball hoop that I purchased with some of the donated money & a huge Hot Wheels race car set donated by @tuckfwitter.
Shouts to Peter (@ppham21) for donating towards the toy drive. Peter and I use to work together when I worked for the Orlando Magic.
I can't post the other pictures of the families because they asked me to keep their families private. So out of respect I will do that for them. This was such an amazing an eye opening experience for me. I can't wait till next Christmas. My ultimate goal is to be able to provide to families not just in the Central Florida area, but anywhere across the world. I'm just going to take it one small step at a time and work towards that goal. Hopefully this coming Christmas I can provide toys for more families! I also want to thank Kash (@PoincianaKash) for his monetary donation, Stephanie (@sm_owen) for her monetary donation, Meez (@MEEZMONTANA) for his multiple toy donations, Dasha for her multiple toy donations and tons of other items, Kahlin (@4everfabulous) for her toy donations, my mom for her non stop toy donations and her support with my vision, my step dad for the Christmas dinner he donated, My grandma for her non stop toy donations and Kyle (@Kyle_Wright) for his toy donations. If I forgot you and you're reading this please let me know so I can add you. I want everyone to see what a blessing you were.
Not only was my toy drive a success but my BFF Chauncey (@tuckfwitter) was published in a book that I told you about in my last post. I've been driving him crazy to sign my copy that I purchased for the longest. Well, I finally got him to do it and I now officially have the 1st signed copy of his 1st publication AND I was able to capture that moment for him. Love you CB! I'm so proud of you!
This picture is of myself and a friend on mine who I went to High School with, Nastasia. She went out of her way and reached out to me wanting to help me in whatever way she could for my toy drive. She has a friend Lu who is a club promoter for Wolf Pack Entertainment who also decided to help me out. Remember that flyer at the very beginning of this blog? Yeah, that was the promotional flyer that they made to help me out with my toy drive; Project Blessed. (Don't forget that name. It's going to be big one day) They decided that on a Thursday night when they promote for a Club in Longwood called Fusion that they were going to hold this event for Project blessed. A percentage of the money they made would be donated to my toy drive to take and buy more toys for the kids. They ended up donating $100 towards toys which to me was such a blessing! To have that company reach out to me not knowing me at all just to help me with my vision was amazing! I had so much support come out that night. People I haven't seen since high school were there to show their support which blew my mind. New friends, Old friends ... it was just perfect. Shouts to Elba, Kahlin, E, Nesto, Nate, Jose, Amy, Keith and whoever else was there that I forgot. Thank you for coming out and supporting!
I was spending so much of my time promoting and buying toys with the donated money that I felt bad that I wasn't able to give my little sisters the attention I usually give them. I decided to take them to Disney to see all of the Christmas parades and shows. (shouts to Team Joe @TheTeamJoe) They had a blast! I love to see them smile. We ended up doing 3 of the 4 parks thats day and what a long day it ended up being. We were there from morning until close. By the end of the night they were falling asleep as they were walking to the car.
Because of the holidays approaching both of my sisters had a Christmas program at their school where each grade sang songs in their auditorium. It was adorable! The songs where actually funny and not your traditional Christmas songs you hear year after year. They knew I was leaving for Miami for my birthday so they kept asking if I was going to make it. I kept telling them that I didn't think so knowing that I was with out a doubt going to be there. When I showed up they were so surprised!
My mom and I kept promising them that we were going to take them to see Santa. So thats exactly what we did. I decided, eh, what the heck for old times sake let me sit on Santa's lap and tell him what I want for Christmas to play along for my sisters. They're at the age where they're starting to ask questions about how the whole Santa thing works. I figured I'd take one for the team and play along. Plus it couldn't hurt to tell him what I wanted, right?! ;)
After my sisters each took their turn telling Santa what they wanted it was my turn. Santa was a great sport about it. So with my two younger sisters watching me and giggling I went and sat with Santa and proceeded to tell him that I had been a good girl and that for Christmas this year I wanted a husband. A tall dark and handsome one. He looked at me and chuckled and said he would see what he could do. I thanked him and emphasized again how good I was all year as I walked away.
The next day was the beginning of my birthday celebration part one: MIAMI!!!! I decided I wanted to go away for my birthday this year and Miami was the spot. Shouts to Dre (@StopGassinEm) for driving down there with us and celebrating with me. Shouts to Eric aka the mole (@Molemurda86) for hooking us up with a rental car situation. We got there late on Friday night and just decided to stay in. The next morning we went to breakfast and as we were sitting there waiting for our waffles and all the other food we decided we "needed" we seen this. THIS was the moment I realized I wasn't in Orlando any more. It made for great entertainment while were we waiting for our food to come out though.
We decided we were going to sight see and get some shopping in because everyone knows I can't go out of town and not shop!
That night was the Justin Bieber concert. Now, we stayed with my friend Steve (@SebastianInc) at his condo which is right on Biscayne. These next few pictures are from his balcony. Can we say holy amazing view!! Anyways, this was the traffic right after the concert let out. We were on the 39th floor and we could hear little girls screaming Justin Bieber's name literally for a couple hours AFTER the concert let out.
We didn't go to the concert, but we watched the madness from the balcony so I can say I was there to witness it! Bieber Fever!!!
Good morning Miamiiiiii!! The next morning we did a little more shopping. Except I was set on finding shoes for my birthday dress for the 2nd part of my birthday celebration in Orlando.
Every mall in Miami later I finally found not one but two pairs of shoes that would go with my birthday dress. Did I need both pairs? Nah. Anyone who knows me knows I am president of the no shoe left behind program so I guess you could say I was just fulfilling my duties :)
Later that night we went out and ended up meeting up with a high school friend of mine Eric who is part of the team who makes Day Glow happen. It was great to meet up with him since he rarely comes back home because he moves around so much with Day Glow.
This was a friend of Eric's who was the DJ for that night. I never have left a club and talked about how great the DJ was. Let me tell you he was amazing! The music he was playing was great!
This is Eric! He is by far one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet. He would do anything for anyone. Hey ladies he's single and looking wink wink ;) of course you'd have to get my approval first. He's going to kill me when he see this..... Love you Eric!
The following night we decided we were going to leave Steve's house and go to Eric's Day Glow Event and then stay with him. I didn't want to leave Steve's bathroom a mess that Kahlin and I took over for the past few days so I tried to clean it without him noticing because I knew if he seen me cleaning it he would tell me not to. Needless to say from this picture I was caught red handed.
Kahlin and I never made it to Eric's event that night which I'm till upset about. We roamed around Miami for a little bit and got pizza until he finished up and then went out with him and his Day Glow team. That was one of the longest nights of my life!
The next morning we left the hotel and went shopping. I know I feel like that's all I've talked about. I can't help it. I love to shop. Of course if you're a female from out of town DASH is a must to stop at. Kahlin (@4everfabulous) and I only went there so we could look around and snap our picture. To our surprise there was some cute things there. I ended up buying ANOTHER birthday dress. Don't judge me.
After spending unnecessary money we went to the Clevelander just to relax before we headed to Eric's house in Boca. Little did I know but only a few restaurants down was Luis and his cousin Manny! He hit me up and the boys came over to where we were at to catch up. They had us laughing so hard. Especially Manny with his faces and his party boy routine he swore he was going to do. It was nice to meet up with them and get a few laughs in before we got on the road and drove to Boca.
That night Eric was asked by another DJ friend of his to open for him at Blue Martini. Just a quick background, Eric hadn't DJ'd prior to that night for 2 years so he was a little nervous. He ended up doing such a great job that the people at Blue Martini offered him a job there to DJ that he had to kindly turn down.
I was so proud of him that night. He literally was running on no sleep due to the preparation for Day Glow that whole week and the actual event being the night prior.
Kahlin and I ended up leaving before everyone else because we decided to extend our Miami trip and stay that night just so we could go and support Eric at Blue. Because we decided to stay that night that meant we had to get up and on the road really early the next morning due to other obligations I had in the morning. We got on the road right on time. We were making great time and I look down and notice that we need gas. No problem. I get off the exit and we pull up gas stations on our Iphone and it was actually closer to get back on I95 and get off at another exit than to go to the one at the exit I got off of. As soon as I get back on I95, BAM the car does something funny and I knew we ran out of gas. Never have I run out of gas! It was scary at first because of where I had to pull over. After I called for a road ranger to come and save the day I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. I'm sure that guy laughed at us. oh well. It made for a good memory and when I posted the picture on Facebook everyone had a good laugh.
December 22. Only the best day of the year; well in my opinion at least :) My birthday!!! I was leaving my mom notes and telling her almost everyday for months that all I wanted for my birthday was a Kindle with the 3G AND WiFi. I love to read but my book collection is taking up way too much space. What better way to fix that problem ... a Kindle! Little did I know but not only did my mother get me a Kindle but Kahlin also got me a Kindle. Can I just say how amazing my family and friends are. Obviously I didn't keep both, but I got what I wanted and my mom and Kahlin were going to make sure of that. Thank you!The Kindle Kahlin got me!The Kindle my mom got me!
Later that day I went and had my hair and makeup done because I was having a birthday dinner at Taverna Opa and then going out to Tessa. Go big or go home.
This is my beautiful birthday cake. This poor cake had to ride in the car with me all the way to Taverna Opa and then to Tessa. By the time it got to Tessa it had no chance. Part of it fell apart which had me in tears. I got over it real quick, cut the cake and moved on with the night.
Not only did I celebrate my birthday there but my boys Marvin (@CvMarvelous) and Alex ( @LiveSquadEnDee) who are a part of Live Squad Entertainment helped me out with my toy drive as well. They promoted that if you brought a toy for my toy drive that cover would be free. These toys below are what was donated that night. Thank you boys so much for your help!
Merry Christmas! I was going through my pictures and realized that all of the Christmas pictures are on my aunts camera. So this is all I have. This year we all went to my aunts. Food, presents, time with family and a few hours of non stop laughter playing Just Dance 2 on the wii. I couldn't have asked for more! Remember how I asked Santa for a husband for Christmas? Yeah, that didn't happen. I woke up and there was not a tall dark and handsome man with a big red bow on under my tree "/ Guess those were high in demand this year and I asked too late ;)
Christmas is also one of the best days for basketball. The best of the best play that day and my Magic were playing against Boston that day. Aoooww! What a game. I was so focused on that game I didn't see or hear anything else around me.
Champs Bowl! Or should I say football pantssssss! My friends know I know nothing about football unless it has something to do with Reggie Bush's fine self and the sexy football pants that the players wear. Kahlin asked me if I wanted to go and of course I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to see some football pants in action.
We we're rooting on West Virginia that night. I really didn't know why her and her family wanted them to win but hey, go WV! It was so cold that night. We actually had to break out our ear muffs that we purchased in Miami on my birthday trip. We laughed when we bought them because we were in shorts and joked about probably never using them but refused to leave cute Michael Kors ear muffs behind at the store.
Happy New Year! I don't even know where to start with New Years Eve. We waited until the last possible minute to decide where we were going to go. We had 3 different people saying we could come down to Miami and celebrate it with them. We even dabbled with the idea of getting a table in down town Orlando. We decided after massive confusion with going down to Miami that we were just going to go Downtown to Orlando and celebrate it there. Literally an hour before I needed to get ready my mom scares me to death about driving on the road with all the drunk people. So, last minute we change our plans to the one place we were avoiding. We refused for days before NYE that we were not going to the place all of our Deltona friends were going to. Little did we know that's exactly where we would end up. I can say that we had a great time. We were actually surprised at how much fun we ended up having. I think we just got caught up in the aspect of going out somewhere for NYE that we lost the part about spending it with people that you care about.
Just a disclaimer on this picture. I actually debated on whether on not I was going to post this and then decided why not?! Just for those of you who are reading this that don't know me, I am not a drinker. I go out with my friends and pop bottles of bottled water. When you see me out though I have energy and such a good time that you would think I was drinking. This picture clearly captured one of my sober "drunk" moments. hahaha
My drink choice of the night ... who am I kidding .... my drink choice daily, Red Bull. I swear these people should give me a contract all the advertisement I do.
Yep, another sober "drunk" moment.
Not only was my toy drive a success but my BFF Chauncey (@tuckfwitter) was published in a book that I told you about in my last post. I've been driving him crazy to sign my copy that I purchased for the longest. Well, I finally got him to do it and I now officially have the 1st signed copy of his 1st publication AND I was able to capture that moment for him. Love you CB! I'm so proud of you!
I was spending so much of my time promoting and buying toys with the donated money that I felt bad that I wasn't able to give my little sisters the attention I usually give them. I decided to take them to Disney to see all of the Christmas parades and shows. (shouts to Team Joe @TheTeamJoe) They had a blast! I love to see them smile. We ended up doing 3 of the 4 parks thats day and what a long day it ended up being. We were there from morning until close. By the end of the night they were falling asleep as they were walking to the car.
Because of the holidays approaching both of my sisters had a Christmas program at their school where each grade sang songs in their auditorium. It was adorable! The songs where actually funny and not your traditional Christmas songs you hear year after year. They knew I was leaving for Miami for my birthday so they kept asking if I was going to make it. I kept telling them that I didn't think so knowing that I was with out a doubt going to be there. When I showed up they were so surprised!
My mom and I kept promising them that we were going to take them to see Santa. So thats exactly what we did. I decided, eh, what the heck for old times sake let me sit on Santa's lap and tell him what I want for Christmas to play along for my sisters. They're at the age where they're starting to ask questions about how the whole Santa thing works. I figured I'd take one for the team and play along. Plus it couldn't hurt to tell him what I wanted, right?! ;)
After my sisters each took their turn telling Santa what they wanted it was my turn. Santa was a great sport about it. So with my two younger sisters watching me and giggling I went and sat with Santa and proceeded to tell him that I had been a good girl and that for Christmas this year I wanted a husband. A tall dark and handsome one. He looked at me and chuckled and said he would see what he could do. I thanked him and emphasized again how good I was all year as I walked away.
The next day was the beginning of my birthday celebration part one: MIAMI!!!! I decided I wanted to go away for my birthday this year and Miami was the spot. Shouts to Dre (@StopGassinEm) for driving down there with us and celebrating with me. Shouts to Eric aka the mole (@Molemurda86) for hooking us up with a rental car situation. We got there late on Friday night and just decided to stay in. The next morning we went to breakfast and as we were sitting there waiting for our waffles and all the other food we decided we "needed" we seen this. THIS was the moment I realized I wasn't in Orlando any more. It made for great entertainment while were we waiting for our food to come out though.
We decided we were going to sight see and get some shopping in because everyone knows I can't go out of town and not shop!
That night was the Justin Bieber concert. Now, we stayed with my friend Steve (@SebastianInc) at his condo which is right on Biscayne. These next few pictures are from his balcony. Can we say holy amazing view!! Anyways, this was the traffic right after the concert let out. We were on the 39th floor and we could hear little girls screaming Justin Bieber's name literally for a couple hours AFTER the concert let out.
We didn't go to the concert, but we watched the madness from the balcony so I can say I was there to witness it! Bieber Fever!!!
Good morning Miamiiiiii!! The next morning we did a little more shopping. Except I was set on finding shoes for my birthday dress for the 2nd part of my birthday celebration in Orlando.
Every mall in Miami later I finally found not one but two pairs of shoes that would go with my birthday dress. Did I need both pairs? Nah. Anyone who knows me knows I am president of the no shoe left behind program so I guess you could say I was just fulfilling my duties :)
Later that night we went out and ended up meeting up with a high school friend of mine Eric who is part of the team who makes Day Glow happen. It was great to meet up with him since he rarely comes back home because he moves around so much with Day Glow.
This was a friend of Eric's who was the DJ for that night. I never have left a club and talked about how great the DJ was. Let me tell you he was amazing! The music he was playing was great!
This is Eric! He is by far one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet. He would do anything for anyone. Hey ladies he's single and looking wink wink ;) of course you'd have to get my approval first. He's going to kill me when he see this..... Love you Eric!
The following night we decided we were going to leave Steve's house and go to Eric's Day Glow Event and then stay with him. I didn't want to leave Steve's bathroom a mess that Kahlin and I took over for the past few days so I tried to clean it without him noticing because I knew if he seen me cleaning it he would tell me not to. Needless to say from this picture I was caught red handed.
Kahlin and I never made it to Eric's event that night which I'm till upset about. We roamed around Miami for a little bit and got pizza until he finished up and then went out with him and his Day Glow team. That was one of the longest nights of my life!
The next morning we left the hotel and went shopping. I know I feel like that's all I've talked about. I can't help it. I love to shop. Of course if you're a female from out of town DASH is a must to stop at. Kahlin (@4everfabulous) and I only went there so we could look around and snap our picture. To our surprise there was some cute things there. I ended up buying ANOTHER birthday dress. Don't judge me.
After spending unnecessary money we went to the Clevelander just to relax before we headed to Eric's house in Boca. Little did I know but only a few restaurants down was Luis and his cousin Manny! He hit me up and the boys came over to where we were at to catch up. They had us laughing so hard. Especially Manny with his faces and his party boy routine he swore he was going to do. It was nice to meet up with them and get a few laughs in before we got on the road and drove to Boca.
That night Eric was asked by another DJ friend of his to open for him at Blue Martini. Just a quick background, Eric hadn't DJ'd prior to that night for 2 years so he was a little nervous. He ended up doing such a great job that the people at Blue Martini offered him a job there to DJ that he had to kindly turn down.
I was so proud of him that night. He literally was running on no sleep due to the preparation for Day Glow that whole week and the actual event being the night prior.
Kahlin and I ended up leaving before everyone else because we decided to extend our Miami trip and stay that night just so we could go and support Eric at Blue. Because we decided to stay that night that meant we had to get up and on the road really early the next morning due to other obligations I had in the morning. We got on the road right on time. We were making great time and I look down and notice that we need gas. No problem. I get off the exit and we pull up gas stations on our Iphone and it was actually closer to get back on I95 and get off at another exit than to go to the one at the exit I got off of. As soon as I get back on I95, BAM the car does something funny and I knew we ran out of gas. Never have I run out of gas! It was scary at first because of where I had to pull over. After I called for a road ranger to come and save the day I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. I'm sure that guy laughed at us. oh well. It made for a good memory and when I posted the picture on Facebook everyone had a good laugh.
December 22. Only the best day of the year; well in my opinion at least :) My birthday!!! I was leaving my mom notes and telling her almost everyday for months that all I wanted for my birthday was a Kindle with the 3G AND WiFi. I love to read but my book collection is taking up way too much space. What better way to fix that problem ... a Kindle! Little did I know but not only did my mother get me a Kindle but Kahlin also got me a Kindle. Can I just say how amazing my family and friends are. Obviously I didn't keep both, but I got what I wanted and my mom and Kahlin were going to make sure of that. Thank you!The Kindle Kahlin got me!The Kindle my mom got me!
Later that day I went and had my hair and makeup done because I was having a birthday dinner at Taverna Opa and then going out to Tessa. Go big or go home.
This is my beautiful birthday cake. This poor cake had to ride in the car with me all the way to Taverna Opa and then to Tessa. By the time it got to Tessa it had no chance. Part of it fell apart which had me in tears. I got over it real quick, cut the cake and moved on with the night.
Not only did I celebrate my birthday there but my boys Marvin (@CvMarvelous) and Alex ( @LiveSquadEnDee) who are a part of Live Squad Entertainment helped me out with my toy drive as well. They promoted that if you brought a toy for my toy drive that cover would be free. These toys below are what was donated that night. Thank you boys so much for your help!
Merry Christmas! I was going through my pictures and realized that all of the Christmas pictures are on my aunts camera. So this is all I have. This year we all went to my aunts. Food, presents, time with family and a few hours of non stop laughter playing Just Dance 2 on the wii. I couldn't have asked for more! Remember how I asked Santa for a husband for Christmas? Yeah, that didn't happen. I woke up and there was not a tall dark and handsome man with a big red bow on under my tree "/ Guess those were high in demand this year and I asked too late ;)
Christmas is also one of the best days for basketball. The best of the best play that day and my Magic were playing against Boston that day. Aoooww! What a game. I was so focused on that game I didn't see or hear anything else around me.
Champs Bowl! Or should I say football pantssssss! My friends know I know nothing about football unless it has something to do with Reggie Bush's fine self and the sexy football pants that the players wear. Kahlin asked me if I wanted to go and of course I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to see some football pants in action.
We we're rooting on West Virginia that night. I really didn't know why her and her family wanted them to win but hey, go WV! It was so cold that night. We actually had to break out our ear muffs that we purchased in Miami on my birthday trip. We laughed when we bought them because we were in shorts and joked about probably never using them but refused to leave cute Michael Kors ear muffs behind at the store.
Happy New Year! I don't even know where to start with New Years Eve. We waited until the last possible minute to decide where we were going to go. We had 3 different people saying we could come down to Miami and celebrate it with them. We even dabbled with the idea of getting a table in down town Orlando. We decided after massive confusion with going down to Miami that we were just going to go Downtown to Orlando and celebrate it there. Literally an hour before I needed to get ready my mom scares me to death about driving on the road with all the drunk people. So, last minute we change our plans to the one place we were avoiding. We refused for days before NYE that we were not going to the place all of our Deltona friends were going to. Little did we know that's exactly where we would end up. I can say that we had a great time. We were actually surprised at how much fun we ended up having. I think we just got caught up in the aspect of going out somewhere for NYE that we lost the part about spending it with people that you care about.
Just a disclaimer on this picture. I actually debated on whether on not I was going to post this and then decided why not?! Just for those of you who are reading this that don't know me, I am not a drinker. I go out with my friends and pop bottles of bottled water. When you see me out though I have energy and such a good time that you would think I was drinking. This picture clearly captured one of my sober "drunk" moments. hahaha
My drink choice of the night ... who am I kidding .... my drink choice daily, Red Bull. I swear these people should give me a contract all the advertisement I do.
Yep, another sober "drunk" moment.
Dear 2010,
What a crazy year you were. Started off really rough and ended up being one of the best years I've had in awhile. Thank you for every learning experience I was put through, every memory made, person I met or cut off...I would do it all over again. Here's to taking the lessons learned and moving forward with them. Bring it on 2011!
Kissing 2010 goodbye,
What a crazy year you were. Started off really rough and ended up being one of the best years I've had in awhile. Thank you for every learning experience I was put through, every memory made, person I met or cut off...I would do it all over again. Here's to taking the lessons learned and moving forward with them. Bring it on 2011!
Kissing 2010 goodbye,