Friday, July 23, 2010

30 Letters in 30 Days: Day 12 - The Person I Hate Most/Caused Ae a lot of Pain

Dear persons name who shall not be spoken of,

I will not use the word hate. I feel that the word hate is one of the strongest emotions you can feel towards someone. I can tell you that you have caused me a lot of pain. I trusted you with everything. Not only were you my best friend, but I considered you to be a sister. I moved you into my apartment when you needed a place to stay because your living situation wasn't working for you. I gave you access to everything I had and how do you go and repay me .... by backstabbing me. How dare you go behind my back and do what you did. You really must be a miserable person to act like my best friend to my face but behind my back make sure you sabotage things in my life because of your jealousy. Just because someone is doing better than you are doesn't mean you ruin things for them so you can be on top. You are nonexistent to me and I know you know this from the few times we've ran into each other. Just know that everything that you thought you ruined for me ended up working out. I got the last laugh. My word of advice to you is, prepare yourself for karma because when it comes back to you for everything you did to me its going to be horrible. I never wish bad upon anyone no matter what the situation. You just made your bed so I hope you enjoy laying in it *smiles*

Made it out on top,

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